As you all know we are planning to go traveling around Asia in September. So far the plan is to start off in India, since Thailand is not the safest place at the moment, then head east. We want to cover as much of southeast Asia, before we head north towards Beijing. Then again, we will only buy a one way ticket over there, so along the road, anything can change.
The day of departures to New Delhi, India is only a little over 1 month away. So exiting! We feel ready to go. We just have a few things to fix before we are 100 prosent steady. It has been a long planning prosses, its so much we need to do before a big travel like this.
- Vaccines
- Tickets
- Visas
- Travel insurance
- backpacks :)
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Our route will be something like this: India, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodja, Thailand again, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, The Philippines, maybe Taiwan and then China.
This is us in egypt may 2010:
-Ranveig, testing.