mandag 6. september 2010

The world of humanity has two wings

New Delhi is a big city. Almost too big for young girls (some would like to say women, but we stick with girls for at least ten more years) like us. Luckily we are quite smart, so we always come up with good solutions. The latest in the book of our holy rules is this: If we get away from each other, STAND STILL, and wait to be found. (hopefully one of us will realize she has to go look for the other one, but who knows.. ) Today at Connaught Place, Lina got lost.

There we go! good girl, she did as she was told.

The main attraction of the day was the "Lotus Tempel, the Bahai House of Worship". Asia`s gathering point for the Baha religion. This was actually quite powerful stuff, and so much of their believes made perfect sence to us!

As noticed earlier our behavior attracts a lot of attention, and once again we had to pose as superstars

This is not even a joke. Several times we have been asked to pose in pictures with locals. Apparently they associate us with, the only white people they have ever seen, models and actors. Need I say that we don't mind the attention?

Oh shit! Lost Lina again..

There she is!!

The next stop of the day was in a Hare Krishna temple. No filming allowed, but Lina´s paparazzi genes took over and she had to try.

(notice the security guy in the end, that comes over and stops us)

We wanted to top a good day with some good food, and of course that had to be traditional indian food.

We ate way to much.. again…

But Ranveigs motherly instincts never fail. If you finish your food you get rewarded.

wow! we found a crocks store! there went the budget for this week.

Guess who is happy with the newest investment?

Back to the rewards!


Photos of the day:

"The world of humanity has two wings - one is woman and the other men. Not until both wings are equal developed can the bird fly" - Abdu L Baha


Linna & Ragnveig

8 kommentarer:

  1. Kjempefin blogg jenter, keep it up! :-)

  2. Veldigt kjekt og lesa(om engelsken ikkje er heilt stødige)kjekke bilder og kjekke jenter:-)

  3. curious. bahai is the logical progression of the dominant monotheistic current right?

  4. Dåke skriver så bra at eg omtrent er der eg og, og tusen takk for da!! Og fantastiske bilder, keep up the good work, og ver forsiktige!!


  5. Fekk nesten litt reisefeber av å lesa denne kjekke bloggen :-)))Kjempebra med masse kjekke bilder!!! Det var lurt påfunn med "the holy rule;..standing still...if you got lost from each other;-)
    Eg som skriver her... er mamma til ei jente som heiter Irene på snart 22 år og ho er f.t. i India no. Ho+ei venninne reiste på 3mnd'ers studieopphold til Chennai den 23/8. Dei trives veldig godt hittil og har opplevd masse spennande!Ha ein forsatt fin tur! Kommer til å følge med dere videre;-)

  6. Hei JENTER! ;-)
    Kjempefin blogg. Morsom text og fine bilder. God tur videre.

    Mvh Onkel Roald :-)

  7. Yes, Terrence. Whitout the big and fanzy words, that is about right ;)

  8. Hei igjen jenter,kosa meg med bloggen og bildene,gleder meg kvar kveld til og gå innom og sjå korleis dagen dåkes har vært..ta godt vare på kvarandre og kos dåke videre...Mangen Klemmer sendes til India:-)
