onsdag 8. september 2010

"You want photograph? Nooo problem!"

After 5 straight days squeezing inbetween the 20 million people living in New Delhi, we were more that ready to explore another side of India; the famous city of Agra. We were also looking forward to our first trainride in Asia. The mission of actually getting a ticked had left us with the impression that this was going to be anything but easy, and as expected it was tension in the air when the only white girls in Delhi stepped down to platform 5.

The stories about indias train system are endless, and to test how true they are, we had tickets for the lowest class we dared (witch means lowest class with air-condition, anything else would literally have killed us) And guess what? The unbelievable stories about overfilled trains?

They are all true

This is actually the top bed of 3 levels. Awesome.

Unfortunately indian trains are not equipped with speaker systems, so figuring out when to get off was rather hard, We ended up leaving our undersized bed and sat down in an open exit door instead. At one station (nope, we had still no idea where we were and if this was the right one) we started talking to a TukTuk driver. He offered to take us to Taj Mahal for 50 rupees (6kr) and we figured it was worth a shot.

It turned out to be a good decision.

He even stopped to buy umbrellas for us when it started to rain.

And we really needed umbrellas…..

Finally we got there.

The sight was more amazing than words can describe

Apparently we were also pretty amazing, and once again we had to stop for long photosessions. Parents were bringing their children over and wanted us to kiss them, like some sort of blessing ceremony. . Weird..

The strangest thing about this place is that everything revolves around money. There is always some kind of benefit after every "good" deed. After getting tricked in to a couple of stores by our guide we were exhausted, and finally found one of our safespots : Coffee shop!

"It is not always fun to be famous!"

At the trainstation we made some more friends. Not everyone thought is was a good idea that we were playing cards with the homeless children, but it looked like it made their day, and it certainly made ours!

Photos of the day:

"The most important trip you may take in life is meeting people halfway." ~Henry Boye



4 kommentarer:

  1. enjoying the quotes. thanks for the energy.

  2. Hello explorers! Im following your blog every day, what a adventure! And you have not been traveling more than a week! Looking forward to all you have coming.:-) By the way, how was the boys english? The ones you played card with? Love your Indian tunikas, or what its called..:-) Take care and make friends! Kisses and hugs from Marth (who is (practising?) her english..;-))

  3. Not to much english from the boys, they said "kiss?" When they wanted to kiss us on the cheek. Hehe. :)
    Take care yourself!

  4. Cute!:-D I will;-)
